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Colon Cancer, Live Life Not a Death Sentence

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Colon Cancer, Live Life Not a Death Sentence

Nov 11, 2021

Some people fear being diagnosed with colon cancer. They worry about the quality of life after cancer and if there is a cure. This article discusses how to live your best life through diagnosis and treatment, even if it seems like a death sentence.

What Is Colon Cancer?

Colon cancer begins when free radicals attack healthy cells in the colon causing abnormal growths known as polyps; however, not all polyps develop into cancer. These tumors can grow and block the bowel which prevents food from passing properly. The big picture: colon cancer can become deadly if left untreated or does not respond to treatment. And people always die from something; sadly, sometimes it's colon cancer. The good news: there are other treatments for this disease.

Is Colon Cancer Painful?

If you are suffering from colon cancer, it is important to note that there are many different types of pain that may be associated with the disease. These include abdominal pain, bowel obstruction, frequent bowel movements or diarrhea, loss of appetite, and weight loss. The tumor in the colon can also put pressure on other organs in the body causing severe cramping and pain. But don't let these warning signs fool you! Colon cancer isn't always painful so don't ignore any suspicious symptoms but try not to worry about it until more information is known.

What Does Life Look Like With Colon Cancer?

Since colon cancer can be treated successfully if it is found early, there are many positive things that an individual diagnosed with colorectal cancer can expect. For example, life expectancy for those who have been successfully treated for their disease has increased dramatically over the past 40 years. Currently, about 66% of people survive five or more years after diagnosis and treatment according to The American Cancer Society. Additionally, one study reported recurrence rates for colon cancer patients at 19 percent compared to the recurrence rate of 43 percent for breast cancer patients. So it is important to be aware but not fear colon cancer because there are so many things that a colon cancer patient can do to live a healthy, happy life without worrying about their diagnosis!

What Is The Life Expectancy Of Someone Diagnosed With Colon Cancer?

While no one can predict how long an individual will live with their diagnosis of colorectal cancer, it is important to note that colon cancer is the third leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the United States. But don't let this statistic scare you! According to The American Cancer Society, colon cancer can be treated successfully if it is found early.

Does Colon Cancer Affect My Diet?

After a diagnosis of colorectal cancer, an individual can go through multiple surgeries and treatment options, leaving them feeling weakened from all of the treatments they have been through as well as from losing weight from lack of appetite. For this reason, it's important that those diagnosed with colorectal cancers build up their strength slowly as they begin eating healthier and exercising again. It is also recommended to eat a high fiber diet consisting of a lot of bread, cereals, and grains to prevent constipation.

What Are The Treatments For Colon Cancer?

Depending on the severity of the tumor in your colon, you will need to seek out treatment options (surgery). After surgery has been performed successfully and all traces of colorectal cancer have been removed from your body, it's important that you continue to take any prescribed medication that will help prevent cancer cells from reappearing. Additionally, chemotherapy or radiation may also be helpful in preventing recurrence and keeping your colon (or other organs) free of these dangerous cancerous cells!

No matter how you feel, the best thing to do is stay positive. Being optimistic will help you get through this difficult period in life.

Avoiding Cancer Through Prevention

It is possible to prevent colon cancer through diet, exercise, and other healthy habits. Here are some ways to avoid tumor growth: eat a balanced diet drink water every day take care of yourself by exercising regularly live a healthy lifestyle by avoiding chemicals or substances that may end up causing cancer (i.e., smoking) illegal drugs, have regular checkups with your physician if you have family members who have been diagnosed with cancer - talk to your doctor about getting tested for genes linked to colon cancer.

If you've been diagnosed with colon cancer, know that there are people who can help you through this difficult time in your life. Locate support groups, family members, or even counselors for additional help. And remember to take it one day at a time - do not worry about what is ahead of you because all of your attention should be on today. With the right tools and support networks in place, you can get through anything!

Last Word From Carolina Digestive Health Associates

Remember the best results are obtained if Colon Cancer is found early. It may be time for a colonoscopy. Most people think they are unpleasant, but absolutely imperative when it comes to diagnosing Colon Cancer early. Please set up an appointment today.